International News Releases

Silicon Labs收購Redpine Signals連接事業部門 強化於無線物聯網領域之領先地位
  • Silicon Labs將以3.08億美元現金收購Redpine Signals的Wi-Fi®和Bluetooth®資產,印度的開發中心以及廣泛的專利組合
  • 2020會計年度約增加2000萬美元之營收
  • 從可比毛利率來提升物聯網事業群營收成長率
  • 於2021年下半年的非公認會計準則(non-GAPP)基礎上增加每股盈餘

台北訊 - 2020316- Silicon Labs(亦名“芯科科技”,NASDAQ:SLAB) 宣布已與Redpine Signals達成最終資產購買協議,將以3.08億美元現金價值收購該公司之Wi-Fi和藍牙業務、印度海得拉巴 (Hyderabad)之研發中心,以及廣泛的專利組合。

Silicon Labs全球執行長Tyson Tuttle表示:「收購Redpine Signals的超低功耗Wi-Fi和藍牙產品及廣泛的智財權組合將擴大我們在物聯網無線技術方面的領導地位。在Silicon Labs的全球銷售和經銷網路中,這些產品的加入將使希望透過Wi-Fi互聯設備快速進入市場的客戶能進一步推動智慧家庭,工業物聯網和商業市場的發展動能。」

Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)為Wi-Fi標準的重要演進,可滿足具有成百上千個IoT設備連接環境所需的低功耗,性能,安全性和互操作性要求。 Redpine Signals技術的整合將加速Silicon Labs的Wi-Fi 6晶片、軟體和解決方案藍圖。 此次收購並包括用於音頻應用的Bluetooth Classic IP(包括擴展數據速率),涵蓋穿戴式裝置、助聽設備、語音助理和智慧音響。

Redpine Signals的收購包括於印度海得拉巴約200名員工的大規模設計中心。透過Redpine在此印度人才最豐富地區多元學術和高績效團隊的加入,將協助Silicon Labs更快速、高效地擴展研發規模。

Redpine Signals創辦人暨全球執行長Venkat Mattela表示:「 Redpine Signals團隊很高興能加入Silicon Labs並協助建立一個更智能、更互聯的世界。在OFDM和MIMO系統二十年的先進研究支援下,Redpine Signals創建了高度差異化,低功耗的多協議SoC。 展望未來,低功耗Wi-Fi 6將是用於IoT連接設備的關鍵無線技術。」

Silicon Labs預計該交易依年化基礎計算將在2020會計年度增加約2000萬美元的收入,從可比毛利率來提升物聯網營收成長率,並在2021年下半年的非公認會計準則基礎上增加每股盈餘。此項交易每年將增加約1500萬美元的非公認會計準則營運費用。

兩家公司董事會和Redpine Signals之股東均已批准該交易,根據成交條件慣例,預計該交易將於2020年第二季度完成。 摩根大通證券有限責任公司則擔任Redpine Signals的獨家財務顧問。


Silicon Labs已於3月12分析日於美國中部時間上午9點至下午1點答覆有關收購Redpine Signals連接業務之問題。 相關簡報可透過網站之投資者關係頁面瀏覽,並將持續重播三個月。

關於Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs(NASDAQ股票代碼:SLAB)為領導業界的晶片、軟體和解決方案供應商,致力於建立一個更智慧、更互聯的世界。公司屢獲殊榮的技術正建構著物聯網、網路基礎設施、工業自動化、消費性電子及汽車市場的未來。而世界級的卓越工程團隊則投注全力於研發具高效能、節能、連接互聯性及簡易性之多樣化產品。更多資訊請瀏覽網站

關於Redpine Signals

Redpine Signals Inc. 為一家全球半導體和系統解決方案公司,成立於2001年,總部位於加利福尼亞州聖荷西。 該公司專注於針對下一代物聯網、穿戴式、家庭自動化、醫療、工業和汽車應用之超低功耗和高性能無線和MCU產品的創新開發。

追蹤Silicon Labs最新資訊: 



Non-GAAP Financial Measures

In addition to GAAP reporting, Silicon Labs provides investors with certain information on a non-GAAP basis, including anticipated accretion and operating expenses. This non-GAAP information excludes stock compensation, amortization of acquired intangible assets, non-cash interest expense on convertible notes, and certain other items acquisition-related intangibles. Management does not believe that the excluded items are reflective of the Company's underlying performance. The exclusion of these and other similar items from Silicon Labs' non-GAAP presentation should not be interpreted as implying that these items are non-recurring, infrequent or unusual. Silicon Labs believes this non-GAAP financial information provides additional insight into the Company's on-going performance and has therefore chosen to provide this information to investors for a more consistent basis of comparison and to help them evaluate the results of the Company's on-going operations and enable more meaningful period to period comparisons. These non-GAAP measures are provided in addition to, and not as a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. Silicon Labs is not readily able to reconcile the projected accretion information provided herein to a GAAP calculation thereof because the information needed to complete a reconciliation is unavailable at this time without unreasonable effort.

Forward-Looking Statements

This announcement contains forward-looking statements (including within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended) concerning Silicon Labs ("Silicon Labs") and its proposed acquisition (the "Acquisition") of the Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® business (the “Business”) from Redpine Signals and related matters. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements that address Silicon Labs' expected future business and financial performance and statements about (i) the timing, completion and expected benefits of the Acquisition, (ii) plans, objectives and intentions with respect to future operations and products, (iii) competitive position and opportunities, (iv) the impact of the Acquisition on the market for Silicon Labs products, (vi) the impact of the Acquisition on non-GAAP EPS and operating expenses , (vi) other information relating to the Acquisition and (vii) other statements identified by words such as "will", "expect", "intends", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "should", "intend", "plan", "potential", "predict" "project", "aim", and similar words, phrases or expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs of the management of Silicon Labs, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, management, current market trends and market conditions and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the management's control, and which may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on such statements.

Particular uncertainties that could materially affect future results include any risks associated with the Acquisition such as: (1) the risk that the conditions to the closing of the transaction are

not satisfied; (2) litigation relating to the transaction; (3) uncertainties as to the timing of the consummation of the transaction and the ability of each party to consummate the transaction; (4) risks that the proposed transaction disrupts the current plans and operations of the Business and Silicon Labs; (5) the ability of the Business and Silicon Labs to retain and hire key personnel; (6) competitive responses to the proposed transaction; (7) unexpected costs, charges or expenses resulting from the transaction; (8) potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the transaction; (9) Silicon Labs' ability to achieve the growth prospects and synergies expected from the transaction, as well as delays, challenges and expenses associated with integrating the Business into Silicon Labs' existing businesses; and (10) legislative, regulatory and economic developments.

The foregoing review of important factors that could cause actual events to differ from expectations should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with Silicon Labs' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which you may obtain for free at the SEC's website at, and which discuss additional important risk factors that may affect their respective businesses, results of operations and financial conditions. Silicon Labs does not undertake an obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

編輯說明:Silicon Labs、Silicon Laboratories、“S” 符號、Silicon Laboratories和Silicon Labs標誌為Silicon Laboratories公司的商標。所有其他產品名稱可能各自屬於相應公司的商標。


劉怡君 Silicon Labs 區域市場暨傳播經理  M: 0926-269908

王慧宇 睿思公關 M: 0922-552024